20 December, 2007

HGUC Z-Gok/WIP/ Torso+Groin Mod.

- Torso+Groin Area Mod. -
- The idea of this mod is to give this kit a better pose, tedious mod as a lot of filing and chiseling are required especially on the groin joint which connect the upper body to the lower body -

- removing the excess part shaded in black to
avoid scratching of the lower torso when moving -

- before mod, both lower torso and groin are
in one piece -

- lower and groin seperated -

- the most tedious part to work with. Materials
required are placard and additional grey joint.
Simply secured them with superglue. As you have
noticed that I had lengthen the ball joint, see later
pics for explanation-

- the problem with the default design is that when
the legs are installed, the gaps between the legs and
the skirt joints are to near. To avoid scratches, I
shifted the ball joints close to the edge and at the
same time lengthen it to give it more flexibility. Of
course this required sawing of the ball joints and
super glue. Brass rod is installed into the ball joint
to strengthen the holding (sorry no pic. for the brass
rod installing) -

- after mod. and test fitting. Mod consider done -

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